Our Insights

Driving Emotional Intelligence.

At the Intersection

Psychology / Technology / Economics.

Enhancing our experience with technology through emotional intelligence.

How do you create memorable and influential experiences for employees or customers? We use principles of psychology to put people at the center of the entire digital transformation. 10 psychological dimensions of experience architecture, making your company more successful. These 10 core needs are interconnected and together, they shape the overall experience of your stakeholders. The weighting and relevance of these vary depending on the touchpoint and the industry.

By C7 and Eliot Mannoia | 21. January 2024

Die Deutsche Version “Die 10 Grundbedürfnisse im menschenzentrierten Experience Design” finden Sie hier.

The Kärntner Tourismustag 2024 focused on the transformative power of emotions in shaping unforgettable guest experiences. Among the highlights was a thought-provoking contribution from digital psychologist Eliot Mannoia, who explored how AI and emerging technologies are revolutionising the way people approach travel planning. His insights underscored the importance of adapting to these shifts to maintain Carinthia’s position as a leading destination. The event inspired new ideas and collaborations to elevate the region’s tourism future.

By Kärnten Werbung | 18. November 2024

Four People Using Laptop Computers and Smartphone

Generative AI is transforming how we interact with the world and each other. From creating images to composing essays, AI seems to be everywhere. But as technology evolves, its influence on human behaviour, especially in online communities, is becoming more evident. This article reflects on a fascinating discussion led by Gordon Burtch, a professor at Boston University, on how generative AI, particularly large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, is altering online spaces and causing unexpected consequences.

By Eliot Mannoia | 10. September 2024

An image of a brain and AI as a second brain

We explore the intriguing parallels between human cognitive degradation in isolation and the deterioration of AI models trained on recursive data. By examining cases of sensory deprivation, such as Admiral Byrd’s documented experiences in Antarctica, alongside the behaviour of AI systems trained on self-generated content, we uncover the similarities in how both human and artificial intelligence systems process and degrade information. Both systems require diverse, external inputs to maintain reliability and avoid perceptual distortions.

By Tiago Freitas and Eliot Mannoia | 10. November 2024

Auf der Basis von zwei Artikeln, die für Change Tourism Austria / Österreich Werbung geschrieben wurden, wurde ein kurzes 30-minütiges Webinar veranstaltet, um KI, Marketing und Tourismus zu diskutieren.

Hier findet ihr die beiden Blogbeiträge, die Eliot im AI-Update vorgestellt hat:

Tomorrow’s Destinations: KI-gestütztes Destinations-Marketing – Teil 1

Tomorrow’s Destinations: KI-gestütztes Destinations-Marketing – Teil 2

(In German language.)

By Eliot Mannoia | 21. February 2024

Woman with six fingers Leonardo.ai

Exploring the transformative influence of artificial intelligence (AI) on various facets of society, economy and personal life, driven by advancements in computational power, data availability, and algorithmic innovation. As AI permeates everyday activities, from navigation systems to virtual assistants, its impact on human behavior and decision-making becomes increasingly evident.

By Eliot Mannoia | 10. August 2024

A lightbulb with a plant growing inside it.

The Power of Emotional Intelligence: A Human-Centered Approach to Business

The ideal of success is often associated with high intelligence and expertise. However, this view sidelines crucial elements that extend beyond someone’s technical competencies and knowledge and include interpersonal and intrapersonal skills, that is, emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence (EQ) encompasses a range of skills that enable individuals to better understand and manage themselves and others, yielding positive results for their relationships, communication, empathy, and compassion. The power of EQ in business is undeniable as it enhances leadership capabilities, decision-making, motivation, adaptability and resilience, making it a catalyst for success.

By Laura Modre and Eliot Mannoia | 12. December 2023

In the bustling digital era, the allure of artificial intelligence (AI) is undeniable, promising transformative leaps across sectors. Yet, the path from fascination to functional implementation is less a straight road and more a labyrinth of considerations. Embarking on this journey requires a map—a guide that not only navigates the technological landscape but also respects the human experience at its core. Enter the unique one-page AI use case canvas, an innovation inspired by the seminal Business Model Canvas proposed by Alexander Osterwalder in 2005. This canvas serves as a guide for businesses venturing into the AI frontier, ensuring their journey is both grounded and guided by a human-centric approach.

By Eliot Mannoia | 19. February 2024

A woman is sitting at a table and is working with a laptop and tablet. A child is hugging her from behind.

Embracing Digital Humanism: Navigating the Intersection of Technology and Humanity for a Better Future

Technology undoubtedly plays a pivotal role in shaping human experiences, whether in private life, the workplace or within society. The influence of technology is multi-faceted, offering immense potential, but also significant risks. While leveraging the transformative power of information & communication technologies (ICTs) and artificial intelligence (AI) enhances connectedness, equity, innovation, and growth, these technologies also carry critical disruptive forces that jeopardize human rights, reduce human control, and propagate bias.

By Laura Modre | 10. October 2023

A workshop on AI and emotional intelligence with the Austrian National Tourist Office

A sunny Friday in beautiful Kaprun in September, where I was asked to moderate a daylong workshop on Artificial Intelligence / Emotional Intelligence. Participants were 20+ tourism experts from all over Austria, and it was hosted by the Österreich Werbung / Austrian National Tourist Office. It was a deep look at AI, technology, innovation, behavioural psychology and experience design.

By Karim Saad | 15. October 2023

Woman using VR googles at work

Unlocking Human-Centered Success Through Digital Psychology

In this age of rapid technological advancement, from exponential to double exponential curves, society and businesses are continuously challenged to evolve and adapt to a changing landscape. While the successful integration of digital technologies and artificial intelligence can improve processes and decision-making, it becomes more crucial than ever to consider the people who sit at the other end of these technologies.

By Laura Modre and Eliot Mannoia | 1. October 2023

Tools such as a wrench and screws etc., seen from above.

Artificial Intelligence Is Not Just a Tool

Recently I heard AI being referred to as a tool as rudimentary as a hammer. AI algorithms have the subtle yet powerful ability to shift behaviours, moods, even mindsets. Alone social media feeds have affected teenagers, swayed political opinions and contributed to polarised nations. Then we have the influence of auto-complete suggestions for writing and search, recommendation engines, digital nudging in ecommerce, personalised experiences, echo chambers, credit score evaluation – and often determination.

By Eliot Mannoia | 8. October 2023

Vienna International School

A Session on Emotional Intelligence Back at School

One of the most rewarding professional experiences of my career. Had a great session on emotional intelligence with 30 students from grade 10 (15-16 year olds) at the Vienna International School. They were very open-minded, eager to participate and very welcoming.

By Eliot Mannoia | 21. May 2023

Image of a brain and a lightbulb paperclip

Emotional Intelligence and a Focus on Soft Skills at Schools

Thinking about things differently and challenging the status quo. Here a look at focusing on soft skills at schools, for a more emotionally intelligent society. I’ve always had issues with the predominant focus on hard skills in schools. They did not serve me well during my time. Although I know things have changed since then.

By Eliot Mannoia | 25. May 2023

Two people lying on the floor with VR googles on

Things We Will Say in the Future

A look at trends shaping 2023 and beyond. What an exciting time, and a time to pause for reflection. It seems we’re beyond exponential growth concerning technology, the field of artificial intelligence (AI) in particular. Here a short list of some of the things we might say in the future based on our trajectory.

By Eliot Mannoia | 16. December 2022

Created image of game controllers attached to a human brain. By Mo Eid.

Artificial Intelligence Describes Emotional Intelligence

In this brief piece, co-authored with the artifical intelligence Chat GPT-4, we explore the role of emotional intelligence in society today. The output from the AI has not been edited, and is a decent reflection of it’s current capabilities.

By Eliot Mannoia | 18. March 2023

AI Eye Contact Software

Tomorrow You Will Not Know What is Real

Take a moment today to appreciate that we still know what is real and what is not. That ability will soon be a thing of the past. #deepfakes #chatgpt3 #ai #scams …In the latest of recent AI developments, this new AI tool makes it look as if you’re looking right into the camera. What will the ramifications of all this new artificial intelligence be on emotional intelligence? 

By Eliot Mannoia | 7. February 2023

black and red typewriter with the text "stories matter"

Communicating Bad News

This is my insurance bill. I get it once a year, and it’s the only touchpoint I have with them. Why would they not use this opportunity to build a relationship? Foster loyalty? Or try to up or cross sell me anything? There is no emotional intelligence or no story-telling in this post-purchase touchpoint.

By Eliot Mannoia | 16. December 2022

Map and compass

A Framework For Communications Strategy

I am fortunate in that I get to spend a lot of time with clients on a daily basis. I have worked with 100+ clients in industries ranging from retail, e-commerce, automotive, FMCG, insurance, gaming, banking, sports…

By Eliot Mannoia | 24. May 2022

Full concert with cheering crowd, by Annam W.

Emotional Intelligence and The Experience Economy

Emotional intelligence plays a pivotal role in the realm of experiences because it directly influences how customers perceive and engage with an offering. Understanding and managing this effectively enables businesses to create experiences that resonate on a deeper level, forging stronger connections with their clientele.

By Eliot Mannoia | 1. August 2023

London Pedestrian Crossing - © Leonardo.ai prompted by Eliot Mannoia

Emotional Intelligence and Road Safety For Pedestrians in London

Here we outline the challenges faced by international visitors in navigating London’s roads, particularly due to language barriers and unfamiliarity with driving on the left. Research shows that tourists from right-hand driving countries are disproportionately involved in pedestrian accidents, often due to confusion over which way to look before crossing. We also propose a design solution that involves replacing or enhancing the existing road markings with universally recognisable symbols, such as arrows and eye symbols. These visual cues are designed to be processed more quickly and effectively than text, helping to improve pedestrian safety in a fast-paced and complex urban environment.

By Eliot Mannoia | 15. July 2023


You can do a free emotional intelligence (EQ) test here:

Emotional Intelligence Test

While we have reservations regarding such assessments due to their tendency to generalise and their lack of precision, they can nonetheless offer valuable insights in one’s personal growth and development.

Reflect on various biases that impact our everyday decisions with these free online bias tests:

Harvard Implicit Project

Then there is also the Implicit Health project which is also a great reflection tool:

Project Implicit Health

We have only a small window into how our own minds work.

What are your automatic reactions when you think about anxiety, depression, alcohol, exercise, eating, or persons with mental illness?

At Project Implicit Health (PIH), you can measure your thoughts about mental and physical health that are difficult to consciously control. The tests require less than 15 minutes and you will receive feedback about your performance and learn more about your automatic thoughts.

Project Implicit was founded in 1998 by three scientists – Dr. Tony Greenwald (University of Washington), Dr. Mahzarin Banaji (Harvard University), and Dr. Brian Nosek (University of Virginia). Project Implicit Health (formerly Project Implicit Mental Health) launched in 2011 and is led by Dr. Bethany Teachman (University of Virginia) and Dr. Matt Nock (Harvard University).

A whole platform dedicated to free education on artificial intelligence:


The AI Campus is the learning platform for artificial intelligence with free online courses, videos and podcasts in various topics of AI and data literacy. As an R&D project, the AI Campus is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

A collection of all current artificial intelligence tools:

Future Tools 

From art, marketing, inspiration, gaming to finance. Enjoy!