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Emotional Intelligence

Enhancing our experiences


emotional intelligence.

Get your EQ Health Check

Evaluate the emotional intelligence (EQ) of your business.
Brain and Neural Network_by Iconpro86

We are Digital Psychologists.

We understand and leverage human needs when new technologies are implemented.

To ensure human-centricity for your employees and customers.

We are your EQ experts. We augment your internal and external processes and communications with emotional intelligence, improving the performance of your business. Creating meaningful connections with all your stakeholders. 

Discover How Emotional Intelligence Can Grow Your Business

For decades the focus in businesses has been IQ. Optimising management, processes, operations and hard skills from a predominantly IQ perspective. These areas will continue to see improvements, yet incrementally. Where we see the largest untapped potential lies in EQ. With true stakeholder centricity, enhanced solutions selling, intentional design, a nurtured culture, human based innovation, data story-telling, experience architecture, critical thinking and lots more.

We augment your IQ capabilities with our EQ expertise. We shift mindsets.

IQ vs. EQ
8 of the top 10 skills needed in the next years are soft skills.*

*Source: World Economic Forum

We Challenge the Status Quo

Diverse experience

Psychology and business school background, and over 20 years of experience ranging from strategy, media, digitalisation, technology, product development and user experience design.

We’ve worked for and with large corporations, start-ups, agencies and management consultants across multiple industries and geographies. Providing us the unique position to offer you truly holistic solutions.


Eliot Mannoia

Digital Psychologist & Founder

Client Experience

BrandKarma is a proud Wiener Bildungschancen-Anbieter

Promoting and supporting emotional intelligence and digital psychology at Austrian public schools.


Wiener Bildungschancen-Anbieter

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Performance with Emotional Intelligence