AI Use Case Canvas

AI Use Case Canvas by Eliot Mannoia // February 19, 2024reading time: 4 minutes © Ylanite Koppens In the bustling digital era, the allure of artificial intelligence (AI) is undeniable, promising transformative leaps across sectors. Yet, the path from fascination to...

Experience Design Methode

10 Grundbedürfnisse im menschenzentrierten Experience Design by Eliot Mannoia // December 10, 2023viewing time: 5 minutes © C7 and Eliot Mannoia Verbesserung unserer Erfahrungen mit der Technologie durch emotionale Intelligenz Wie schafft man einprägsame und...

Experience Design

The 10 Fundamental Needs in Human-Centric Experience Design by Eliot Mannoia // December 10, 2023viewing time: 5 minutes © Eliot Mannoia Enhancing our experience with technology through emotional intelligence How do you create memorable and influential experiences for...

11 – Embracing Digital Humanism

EMBRACING DIGITAL HUMANISM: NAVIGATING THE INTERSECTION OF TECHNOLOGY AND HUMANITY FOR A BETTER FUTURE by Laura Modre // October 10, 2023reading time: 5 minutes © Ketut Subiyanto Amidst technology’s pervasive influence, digital humanism offers an optimistic...

10 – Artificial Intelligence Is Not Just a Tool

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IS NOT JUST A TOOL A short thought piece originally posted on LinkedIn by Eliot Mannoia // October 8, 2023reading time: 2 minutes © Miguel à Padrinan A short thought piece originally posted on LinkedIn. Recently I heard AI being referred to as...